Annual project conference
November 11-12, 2024; Fort Science Olomouc; GPS: 49,592896 17,257982
Monday November 11
12:00 13:00 Registration
Welcome and project introduction
13:00 13:30 Jan Martinec (Director of IEB ASCR), Jaroslav Doležel (Principal Investigator, IEB ASCR Olomouc), Ivo Frébort (Project manager, CATRIN UP)
13:30 14:15 Hana Šimková (IEB ASCR Olomouc): WP1 - Seed germination and early steps in plant life
14:15 15:00 Matyáš Fendrych (Charles University Prague): WP2 - Novel regulators of root development
15:00 16:00 Coffee break and discussion
16:00 16:45 Helena Štorchová (IEB ASCR Prague): WP3 – Reproductive fitness under abiotic stress
16:45 17:30 Ortrun Mittelsten Scheid (International Scientific Advisory Board TANGENC; GMI Vienna, Austria): (Epi-)genetic research in model and non-model plants.
17:30 18:00 Michaela Šojdrová (International Scientific Advisory Board TANGENC; Ministry of Agriculture, CZ): Current status of the legislative process regarding NGT at the EU level
18:15 21:00 Dinner and networking (on-site)
09:00 09:45 Petr Fajkus (CEITEC MU, Brno): WP4 – Genomic conflicts accompanying polyploidization and interspecific hybridization
09:45 10:30 Roman Hobza (IBP AVCR Brno): WP5 – New breeding techniques for crop improvement
10:30 11:00 Ivo Frébort (CATRIN UP Olomouc): WP6 – Safety, sustainability and promotion of genome editing
11:00 11:30 Coffee break
11:30 12:00 Karel Klem (CzechGlobe): Project AdAgriF - Increasing the mitigation potential of agriculture and forestry and supporting their adaptation under climate change
Management Information
12:00 12:15 Michaela Holecová: Monitoring and reporting
12:15 12:30 Arzuv Čaryjeva: Open Access publication
Closing remarks and discussion
12:30 13:00 Moderated by the Principal Investigator and WP leaders
13:00 15:00 Lunch and networking